ᗩᑭ/ᑭY ǪᑌEՏTIOᑎᑎᗩIᖇE
[PART 1]
-- Volition Questions [V]
1. What's something really difficult that you had to overcome? Why was it hard and how did you rise to the challenge?
Having to put my studies (university) on hold and move back in with my parents due to mental health struggles. It was hard because it wasn’t what I had hoped/imagined. It was really hard for me to accept that I needed to (temporarily) give up on actively working on my future in order to “take care of myself”, that I seemingly had to sacrifice something very important to me for my own well-being. I’m not sure that I’ve risen above it yet. Usually, things sort themselves out at kind of . . . become smaller, so rising above becomes effortless.
2. How do you maintain personal motivation?
Motivation for me tends to be extrinsic. I need to have something to look forward to in order to stay motivated, a personal reward of some kind (ideally, a lasting ‘result’). On the other hand, my motivation is not very resilient and most of the time seems to be out of my hands. It comes and goes as it pleases; I am but its rusty instrument.
-- Emotion Questions [E]
1. What is culture? What makes up culture and what are its quantifiable categories?
Culture is tradition, a set of conventions within a certain ethnical or collectivistic context. It is quantified by language, (traditional) customs, geographical location, religion, ethnicity and so forth . . .
2. Does it influence anything and if so, what? Are there limits to its influence?
It influences things, for sure. I’d say communication and social norms are usually culturally dependant. An example I usually think of is how shaking your head in Western countries means ‘no’, but means ‘yes’ in Bulgaria. Or how staring a stranger dead in the eyes for more than 3 seconds is considered ‘inappropriate’ in the US, but is completely fine in India . . . I think there are limits depending on, whether or not the individual (of the population) identifies with his cultural identity. I think culture can be estranged, in most cases. Aside from that, I’d say culture is rather omnipresent as it is an expansive concept. Not to mention that with growing globalisation, cultures get intermingled, and we get to experience dozen other cultures that aren’t “ours” (that’s a conversation for another time).
3. How is it formed and changed? How does it die? Is culture even able to die?
I’m not sure how culture is formed, honestly. I would say it’s just something that spreads, similarly to how, say, a language does. I think culture changes forms and colours with time, is all. It gets reformed, it is forgotten or neglected . . . I’d say it all gets traced back to the individuals that represent certain cultures. In my opinion a culture cannot die, but its customs/objects/ideologies can or its representatives can turn their backs on it, causing it to become obsolete.
4. Do you write creatively? If so, about what usually? Is it hard or easy, and what's your process?
I do. Not very much these days but it’s one of my occupations. I usually write semi-memoirs; there’s a piece of me in them but they’re fictional, like a me from a parallel universe. In the past, I’d written out my dreams, however vague they were. I also enjoyed writing horror, or fantasy short stories. When I write now, it’s mostly in my diary, so nothing out of the ordinary. I’ve started countless projects that just never made it by my standards. I don’t have a particular process when it comes to writing, or way to go about it. Generally, I start writing once I get overwhelmed by a flux of inspiration. It’s only easy when inspired. I know the saying goes “the more creativity you use, the more you have”, and I that I could write just for the sake of writing, but I usually wait for inspiration and creativity to fall onto my lap.
-- Physics Questions [F]
1. Do you like cooking? Why or why not? Are you good at it?
No, no, NO. I resent it. It’s time consuming, it’s messy (at least when I do it), I usually get side-tracked and then my food just . . . burns/overcooks. The clean-up afterwards is hell, like, do you eat first and clean up afterwards with a full stomach and after-food-fatigue? Or do you clean first and eat then, lukewarm food? Obviously, I’m not very good at it. I usually struggle with seasoning and cuisson (cooking time?). I also lack the patience and grace required to make good food, lol.
2. If you're in your house, show us your favourite room, and what attributes make it the best room in the house.
I don’t know that I have one. I usually like to sit on the frontier between the inside and outside of houses. Veranda’s, porches, balconies or rooftops. Therefore, I don’t have a favourite room.
-- Logic Questions [L]
1. What’s a controversial opinion you have and refuse to change, and why are you so sure of it?
This is though, because how do I know if it’s controversial or not? Additionally, I’d say I’m rather open-minded, it’s unlikely that I’d refuse to change any opinion. I find that too categorical. I have to think about this longer. . .
2. How do you handle being wrong or incorrect about something? What do you do to make sure you are right about your reasoning?
When I’m wrong about something I’m likely to get a bit frustrated/insecure. Which can manifest in different ways. Usually, it’s not something people know about me, considering I don’t have the reputation of a know-it-all, or something like that. It mostly unravels inwardly. I could somehow make my wrong statement sound right, I could go silent or overcompensate by suddenly showing a lot of interest to whatever or whoever proved me wrong. . . I make sure to be very, very honest with myself. Which sounds rather . . . I don’t know, self-explanatory? Other than that, I can check my reasoning by looking for external sources or second-opinions.
[PART 2]
-- Will [V]
1. What is your orientation to each drive, power, perseverance and leadership?
I’d say neither of these suit me. I lack drive, generally speaking, or it is rather inconsistent and too easily swayed. Power leaves me mostly indifferent. Persevering is something I do out of necessity. Leadership is something I tend to be reluctant to take on. Let’s say I’m a bit. . . fearful avoidant when it comes to leadership.
2. In this aspect are you more interested in following your own will or are you more likely to try and influence or support others on their path?
I’m more interested in following my own will. I usually steer clear of other’s paths as not to be an obstacle. I’d appreciate if it was reciprocated.
3. How do you respond when others impose their will on you? Do you enjoy leadership and imposing your will on others?
It depends. Usually it does bother me, but depending on the person, my reaction might differ. Generally, people don’t impose their will on me, I don’t know why but that has rarely been a problem in my life. So long as I agree on the reason behind it, I shouldn’t be too bothered. If I feel like it crosses my boundaries, I’d be upset and pretty unforgiving.
I don’t know that I enjoy leadership. I’ve been told it comes to me pretty naturally, but I don’t care for the responsibilities that come with it, or having to deal with complaints and other sorts of negative feedback. As for imposing my will, I wouldn’t say that I enjoy that. I enjoy the sensation of having the reins in my hand or being in control of the situation, but I wouldn’t resort to forceful or imposing tactics. . .
4. Does logic matter to you? If this aspect is important to you, why would you say it is?
If you don’t see much importance in it, why not? Yes, it matters. I don’t know why, I guess to make right decisions? They have to be reasonable, at all times. I maintain rationality, sanity through logic; keep myself in check. Therefore, it’s actually all-encompassing, come to think of it, lol.
5. Are you ever insecure or overconfident in your logical capabilities?
I’d say I’m somewhere in-between, with a tendency to get insecure. Maybe overconfident too, but if so, I personally couldn’t tell. I tend to become insecure when I don’t get something right away. Or if someone challenges me/makes me feel inferior in that aspect. Other than that, I’d say I’m fairly secure in those capabilities.
-- Physics [F]
1. What is your orientation to each appearance, aesthetics, and sensory satisfaction?
Appearance, I’m assuming, physical appearance is of moderate importance. I usually don’t pay much attention to it unless I’m under particular circumstance. I care most about feeling comfortable in my appearance. I would say I care a fair amount about aesthetics, and I’ll like to believe I have a good eye for it. As for sensory satisfaction . . . I’m not sure. What I’d consider sensory satisfaction is anything that makes me feel good physically, or looks pleasing to me, shaking loose impression. I’d say that’s also moderately important? Still, unsure.
2. In this aspect are you more interested in your own appearances and comfort or are you more likely to try and influence others?
I’m more interested in my own appearances. I won’t try to influence others’, but I’ll notice it, and I’ll possibly, probably, have an opinion about it.
3. How do you respond when people give you advice towards your appearance? Do you often give others advice in their management of aesthetics or in physical activities?
I get very uncomfortable. Tremendously even. For some reason it just unsettles me, offends me almost, regardless of whether I consider it to be a good/bad remark, or of the intention. I’m not very interested in comments on my appearance.
I don’t give advice about (this kind of) stuff unless I’m asked. I would say, I don’t really care about what other people’s aesthetics are. Still, I’ll probably have an opinion, acknowledge it, but I’m not likely to externalise that.
If this aspect is important to you, why would you say it is? If you don’t see much importance in it, why not?
I would say it’s fun, to make things look pretty and neat. Past that, I don’t think it’s that important. In fact, sometimes I purposefully defy the conventional “aesthetic” or “appearances”, because I can.
Are you ever insecure or overconfident in these physical aspects?
“Somewhat interested but unbothered” is more like it.
-- Logic [L]
1. What is your orientation to each theories, connections, and personal ideas of how things work?
I’d describe it as a magnetic pull. Theories give me life. ‘Connections’ is a broad term . . I’m assuming that in this context it’s like “patterns” or “theoretical connections” or even “pattern recognition/tracking”; are also very energising/interesting. I like to know how things work and like to observe that. I will say though, I’m usually too lazy to go about it in a thorough or methodical way. It’s like “Oh, so you do this this and this . . . Ah, I think I get it. Cool.” Full stop. As for personal ideas, I’d say that usually gets the most space in my head, arguably in my life.
2. What is the importance of the logic of others to you?
Fairly important. I’m fine with anything so long as no logical fallacies arise, or so long we agree. Yeah, I think that’s more important, that I agree with the person.
3. How do you respond when corrected? In what situations do you correct people?
I usually get self-conscious about it. I try to not make it a big deal. When being corrected, intention is really important to me. I can get really frustrated if someone corrects me to “put me down” and lift themselves up, or if they do it in a condescending way, taking intellectual high ground. That tends to disrupt my peace of mind, lol.
I only correct people when it’s detrimental to the understanding of whatever topic is at hand. In other words, when it’s necessary.
4. Does logic matter to you? If this aspect is important to you, why would you say it is? If you don’t see much importance in it, why not?
Yes, it matters. I don’t know why, I guess to make right decisions? They have to be reasonable, at all times. I maintain rationality, sanity through logic; keep myself in check. Therefore, it’s actually all-encompassing, come to think of it, lol.
5. Are you ever insecure or overconfident in your logical capabilities?
I’d say I’m somewhere in-between, with a tendency to get insecure. Maybe overconfident too, but if so, I personally couldn’t tell. I tend to become insecure when I don’t get something right away. Or if someone challenges me/makes me feel inferior in that aspect. Other than that, I’d say I’m fairly secure in those capabilities.
-- Emotion [E]
1. What is your orientation to each mood, emotions, and expressions?
Oh my, I don’t know. I’m a bit up and down in those aspects. I think my mood can change rather quickly, or sometimes I’m faking certain moods. I tend to pull away from my emotions unless I 'have' to face them. As for expressions . . . I’m not sure. I guess I tend to repress those, or sugar-coat them.
2. In this aspect are you more interested in following or being true to your own personal emotions or are you more likely to try and influence those of others, do the emotions of others matter to you?
I go along with the rest on this one. I don’t want my presence to be experienced as nuisance. Or stand out in a negative way . . . Also, those things are really private to me, especially mid-process/real-time, so, it’s better that way