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Neural Landscapes

Time: 5:30-6:30pm Thursday 9th November 2023

Register: here

An artist talk as part of Aoibheann Greenan—The Ninth Muse, the final exhibition of our 2023 Artist-Initiated Projects programme.at Pallas Projects/Studios.


Join Aoibheann Greenan and AlanJames Burns for a conversation that will span the convergence of art and neurotechnology, as it relates to each of their artistic practices and a broader discussion of the work in The Ninth Muse exhibition.



Aoibheann Greenan is an Irish artist working across moving image, performance, installation, sculpture, costume and drawing. Her theatrical stagings pull at the seams of our commodified experiences, allowing aberrant or repressed material to bleed out. Works have explored neuromarketing, psychedelic tourism and unboxing videos, warping their delivery through darkly humorous rituals and narratives. These 'counter spells' deliberately amplify coercive mechanisms to confront viewers with their mediated attention. Videos morph into live performances, costumes into sets, drawings into sculptures. Strange loops emerge across digital culture, mythology, neuroscience and esotericism, eliciting patterns of thought and behavior that persist throughout time.

@rodeo.oracle | aoibheanngreenan.com

AlanJames Burns is a neurodivergent, environmental and audio-visual artist and curator producing interactive, socially engaged and site-specific exhibitions. The focal points of their artistic practice are disability, climate change and the human mind.

@alanjamesburns | alanjamesburns.com